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CFCC15 International Scientific Conference


7-10 July 2015 Paris, France

Our Common Future Conclusion Statement within the Scope of Climate Change

This statement

* Chris Field, Chair of the CFCC (Our Common Future under Climate Change) Scientific Committee,

* Hervé Le Treut and Jean Jouzel, Chairmen of the Organization and High Level Committees,

* International Organizations : UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Future Earth and ICSU (The International Council for Science)   Published by July, 10, 2015. (Click for Original (English) Declaration.)

The declaration has been divided into titles as Solution Area and Problem Area in order to transform the scientific basis into an action plan on climate change and improve the current understanding. And under these two headings, the most important issues are discussed.

CFCC15 Uluslarası Bilimsel Konferansı

Before moving on to these titles and articles, the information given in the declaration on climate change is briefly as follows;

  • A prominent problem of the 21st century is climate change. This problem is closely related to the way we obtain energy and food products, how we manage the earth, and how we consume more than necessary. For a solution, we must take a bold responsibility.

  • The average temperature increase was determined to be a maximum of 2 ° C. To avoid this level, CO2 emissions must be completely finished by the end of the 21st century, and even the amount of CO2 available must be absorbed.

  • 2015 is a critical year for making smart and informed policies and making progress. Economically feasible, understandable solutions should be planned to keep the current average temperature rise 2 ° C or less.

  • Every nation has a duty in this sense. Bold action plans to be taken in 2015 will be decisive for a common sustainable future, strong economies, and fair and vibrant societies.

  • In this matter, science ,   COP21 (Conference of Parties - Parties Conference)   and it forms the basis for making smart decisions in upcoming conferences. Solving this global problem depends on the ambition, dedication and leadership abilities of governments, the private sector, civil society, and additionally, the world of science.

Solution Area

  1. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40-70% by 2050 in order to keep the temperature increase at 2 ° C and below.

  2. Taking short and long term measures to mitigate the impact of climate change

  3. Investing in an inclusive and sustainable development integrated strategy

  4. Trying to reduce incentives for R&D studies, technology information sharing and investments, fossil resources and developments that increase carbon emissions

  5. Although the amount of transition to clean energy has a small portion compared to the sector in general, with an effective implementation, these additional costs can make a significant contribution to inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

  6. Emissions of heat-retaining gases are easier to reduce in some than in other sectors. Reducing deforestation, reducing energy efficiency in electricity generation, buildings and cars are at the simple end of the spectrum. With the support of technology, revolutionary steps can be taken in demand management, energy efficiency, solar, wind, bioenergy and nuclear energy.

Problem Area

  1. Changing climate systems and increasing warming is an indisputable fact. Human activities have been responsible for this warming up to now.

  2. Climate change events that have taken place affect the Earth widely and indirectly and cause extreme weather events.

  3. In the world, people and places are exposed to different risks in different places, in a vulnerable way. In particular, it further reduces limited opportunities for poor people where infrastructure is not developed.

  4. The consistently high emission of heat-retaining gases can lead to an increased risk of severe, spreading, and irreversible damages. Higher emissions pose greater risks to people, economies and ecosystems.

You can use the resources and other links provided for more information about the statement and the conference.

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