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I would like to take this opportunity to thank the authors, organizations and everyone who contributed to these articles!

Reading Corner

Perhaps one of the great things about the Internet is that it allows us to access valuable information whenever we want from where we sit. In this sense, briefly; internet is not the limit, it is us.

As in every subject, many resources are published day by day on many sites where sustainability issues are also covered. In this column, we will share various resource links such as free or published English or Turkish articles, magazines and even books that may be relevant to our eye. We wish you a good reading with your time.

* Journal Archive of Izoder Association

Turkey Heat, Water, Sound and Fire Insulation Association valuable magazine archive all in one

Journal Archive of Izoder Association

* Passive House Sample Projects

If you want, you can download the book, which shows the performance values ​​of many Passive House projects with detailed explanations, via the link.

Passive House Sample Projects

* LEED AP Magazine

Resources to consolidate your knowledge on LEED and sustainable environments, structures, and further a chance to win credits by solving the quiz of LEED experts on the topics.

USGBC + Winter 2019

* Sustainable Materials with both eyes open

You can read the entire book online or download and read.

Sustainable Materials with both eyes open

* CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) Journal

You can select the relevant topic from the search section and examine the works from real projects.

Case Studies

* GÜNDER - International Solar Energy Society - Turkey Section - Magazine Archive
Günder Magazines

* Autodesk - BIM (Building Information Modeling) Magazine

BIM design and developments


65 pages

* WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Global - Reports 2018

WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) Global - Reports 2018

WWF Reports

* International Construction Company Arup
Cities Live - Designing for children living in the city

Cities Alive - Designing for Urban Childhoods
72 Pages

* Green Building Magazine Archive
Yesilbina Magazines

* WRI (World Resources Institute) Turkey

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