EU 320 Billion Euro Circular Economy Investment Plan by 2025
Turning towards a circular economy can provide many benefits for economic growth, employment, resource dependency, health and the environment. In the EU, this regenerative and renewable model has received support from politicians who are committed to implementing a long-term strategy. For investors and companies, the circular economy will have more importance as progress towards circular economy practices will make the business opportunities of the sectors working with each other more tangible.
In a period of post-crisis recovery and stagnant industrial investment, the transition to a circular economy is a source of innovation and industrial renewal for Europe. The time, the right time and the EU are in a unique position to enjoy all the benefits of such a transition. However, while the wheels of the economy show signs of dynamism, investment levels in circular economy opportunities are generally very low.
Achieving Growth Within (Development Report Economics), SYSTEMIQ, Ellen MacArthur Foundation and by SUN A new report sponsored by cyclical economic innovation that will awaken an interest in them substance and investment priorities with policy reforms and identified the necessary commercial activities to facilitate them.
Within the EU, one of the economic recovery, recession reduction and also environmentally compatible policies is undoubtedly the transition to a circular economy. However, this comprehensive issue was tried to be explained in a comprehensive report (Achieving Growth Within). In this news titled EU, you can examine the news from the eyes of the EU.
The report was published at the World Economic Forum 's Annual Meeting in Davos and focuses on the mobility, food and building sector value chains that represent 60 percent of consumption spending and 80 percent of resource use.
Note: You can access the full copy of the report from the links.